I did the 20.02 miles at a pace of 9:51 min/mi.

I used Endurolytes, Gu Gel and Gu Chomps on the run and the combination really seems to be working for me. I had no stomach or GI issues which is great.
Post run I felt pretty good and finally feel like I can actually finish 26.2 miles!

So this week I'm going to take it kind of light since I have the Baltimore Half Marathon on Saturday. I'm not really looking to PR this race since I did so well in at the Philly Distance Run 2 weeks ago. In looking at the course it's going to be a little more challenging with some hills so I'll just be treating this as a race training run. I'll be heading down to the race expo on Friday afternoon then check into my hotel. Helen and Mary from USA Fit Philly are running the full so I'll see if they want to get a bite to eat Friday night.
This race starts the full and half at different times and locations. The full starts at 8AM and the half at 9:45. They join up around mile 13.5 and finish the course together. This should be interesting as it will be my first experience around folks doing a full marathon distance.
So bring on the crabs Baltimore! Show me what you got. I'll probably be back for the full marathon next year!

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