My last Half was Virginia Beach 2 weeks prior with a time of 2:08:04. I learned a few lessons on that run and made a few changes for this "training run" getting ready for my Full Marathon in November.
I wore my hydration belt and didn't stop at any water stops. This was great! I train with my belt so why not race with it. I loved not needing to get caught up in the crowd at the stops and I just kept motoring forward.

It was exciting to be in the starting corral and see Ryan Hall running past already heading down the second half of the course. Even more exciting was watching his win later in the day on the internet!
Anyway back to my race :)
It was a great day temp and humidity wise. I felt strong and didn't plan on staying around with anyone in my training group that was running ... but heading off on my own pace. After a few waves of starts I was on my way heading down the Parkway lined with flags into center city to head around City Hall. I've never quite appreciated the building as much as I did that day running past with the crowds. We circled and headed down Market St. and I remember saying to myself It's not everyday you can do this without getting killed!

After crossing the Falls Bridge and looking at my Garmin I realized that not only could I make my goal of 2:05 but if I finished these last 3 miles strong I might even be able to get in under 2hrs!
I was hoping I could keep my pace up and do it! I changed my stride and started powering forward. As I got down Boathouse Row there were more people on the course cheering and that helped keeping me going. Can I get some more cow bell please?
So coming into the finish I kept looking at my watch with disbelief. I made the final turn and sprinted as fast as I could (being sure I kept a smile for the camera :) and I DID IT! My offical chip time was 1:57:30 !! I was stoked. My Garmin had me at 1:57:32 so I was hoping it was right and it was.
For those wondering what I did for sports nutrition, here is a recap:
I don't carbo load much before a race but I do conciously eat more carbs then I normally do in balance with protein. I generally stick to complex carbs made of corn or potatoes.
Morning of I do a chocolate protein shake with instant espresso powder in it. I also have a coffee. This not only gives me some energy but It helps me clear out the GI track.
About 30 mins before race time I take 3 Endurolytes.
About 15 mins before I ate a serving of Gu Chomps.
During the race I drink water since I don't need to worry about electrolytes from liquids.
At about 45 - 1hr in I do a Gu Gel and another 2-3 Endurolytes.
At 1.5 hrs I do another Gu Gel.
Post race I hit some protein and carbs at a nice blend, followed by a steak dinner for lunch :)
This worked great for me!
Here is a link to my Garmin GPS Splits
Here are some pics.
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